The aluminium sheet metal grades are complicated and extensive. They roughly fall on 8 series, each of which begins with a number indicating its series. For example, 1050 is a member of 1000 series or 1xxx, 2024 2000 series or 2xxx and 3015 3000 series or 3xxx. Here are the details of grades and their properties.
1xxx or 1000 series mainly includes 1050, 1060, 1070, 1100 and 1200. Although there are other grades, these five are the most frequently applied ones. Containing an aluminium content of 99% and more, they are also known as the pure aluminium grades in China. 1050 contains 99.5% aluminium, 1060 99.6% and 1070 99.7%. The higher the aluminium content, the softer the grade. Thus 1xxx is regarded as the softest aluminium sheet metal grade.
2xxx or 2000 series includes 2024, 2a12, 2017, 2a11, 2014 and 2a14 etc. These grades are featured by a high hardness and an copper content from 3% to 5%, serving as a raw material for aircraft parts.
3xxx or 3000 series has 3003, 3004, 3005, 3105, 3104 and 3a21 as its standing members whose alloying metal is manganese (from 1% to 1.5%) known for excellent corrosion resistance. These grades have a stronger hardness and corrosion resistance than 1xxx grades.

5xxx or 5000 series is a big noisy family, including 5052, 5083, 5754, 5182, 5a06, 5005, 5a02, 5252, 5086, 5a05 and so on. With magnesium as their alloying metal, these grades have characteristics of low density, high tensile strength, good elongation and excellent fatigue resistance. In particular, 5052 and 5083 are the most frequently applied, mostly in marine building.
The aluminium sheet metal grades mentioned above are not suitable for heat treatment, thus their tempers are restricted within the scope from O to H112, in which respect 6xxx and 7xxx are two exceptions. They can be heat treated to obtain better mechanical properties. 6061, 6063, 6082, 6060, 6005a and 6101 contain two alloys elements: magnesium and silicon. They are used in conditions requiring high corrosion resistance and anodizing effect. 7000 series, 7075, 7005, 7050, 7a09 and 7a04, is an AL-MG-ZN-CU alloy with a super strong hardness, an excellent abrasion resistance and a good welding property, used as an aircraft material. Among these two series 6061 and 7075 are the most popular, some even made into profiles.
8011, 8090, 8091 and 8093 are regular members of 8000 or 8xxx series who has lithium as its alloying metal. Lithium has an even lower density than aluminium, thus 8xxx grades are even lighter than 1xxx ones. 8011 is the most frequently applied, usually as aluminium coil sheet for ropp caps or aluminium foil rolls.
Haomei supplies all the aluminium sheet metal grades mentioned above, either in sheet or in coil. Specifications can be customized. Welcome clients all over the world to send inquiries!